I have always loved the idea of sitting down in front of the computer and mapping out a route that takes in some new roads that I’ve never cycled before. The idea of exploring new places while out on the bike enjoying the fresh air, or rain and wind as is usually the case, anyway I digress.
It was with this in mind that I bought a Garmin Edge bike computer and took to the Garmin Connect website like a duck to water. I quickly had a number of new routes to try out. I have continued this trend through three different Edge versions (800, 810 and 1000) and over the last couple of years have accumulated a fair number of routes. Sounds good, you say. Well in theory it is but the practice, I’m afraid, has never lived up to the potential.
The reason I say that was brought back to me on Saturday after I plotted and uploaded a 53 mile route that followed my clubs ‘spring classic’ route. It’s a route I have done, in parts, on a couple of occasions previously so I knew some of the roads. The Garmin Edge 1000 handled most of it pretty well but around the 45 mile mark it inexplicably decided to wander off course. It wasn’t even that it was navigating us left instead of right, it blatantly took a left turn instead of keeping on the straight road into Galston as the previously plotted course dictated.
The Garmin did take me to some new roads, so should I be complaining? Normally the answer would be a resounding no, but when I have taken the time to plot a course that I am intent on following then the answer in Yes, I am complaining. Once home, I confirmed that the route plotted and uploaded didn’t include this detour, so why did it decide to change the route? I guess only Garmin can answer that one.
Now don’t get me wrong, the Garmin devices, all three of them, are very capable when it comes to logging the multitude of data that can be recorded, from cadence, speed, gps, power and much more, but I’m afraid in my experience the navigation is sadly lacking. I have other issues with the navigation (namely the ’round trip’ functionality) but I’ll leave that for another post.
I find the navigational aspect of the Garmin 1000 buggy at times too Alan.
When I first got my device I used the Round route feature a lot but have since binned it as it continually takes me onto cycle paths! I have the setting set to roads but at every opportunity I’m directed onto a cycle path with is bloody frustrating.
What could potentially of been a great feature has been destroyed by this in my opinion.
I’ve actually been directed across a field by round trip, no joke. I’ve binned it too. Such a great idea poorly executed
I know what you mean as I’ve had a few experiences of this nature with the Garmin myself. Though nothing major.
I do know of a guy who plotted in a route of about 30 miles from Navalcarnero to Madrid. Garmin managed to get him lost a few times, his spiralling route eventually cost him over 60 miles and a lot of grief.